The Chocolate Cookbook

Love chocolate? Then this recipe book is surely for you. The Chocolate Cookbook offers over 1,800 unique recipes that will no doubt impress you. So why don’t you explore them now?

Manasa L

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Culinary Herbs. Their Cultivation, Harvesting, Curing and Uses

If this book shall instill or awaken in its readers the wholesome though "cupboard" love that the culinary herbs deserve both as permanent residents of the garden and as masters of the kitchen, it will have accomplished the object for which it was written.

by Maurice Grenville Kains

Bartending for Beginners

Bartending goes way back and it began as a trade conducted by people who produced liquor and sold it to the folks. It turned out that there was a lot of money in this. The fact that there is a lot of money in this indicates that there will always be an opportunity for someone who knows how to tend to the bars. It also helps that there is a lot of fun to be had in this profession of bartending. Whether you just want to impress your friends or family or go into bartending as your career, you want to go in with the proper knowledge either way since the quality of the bartending can make or break the party.

by Bruno Gordon

Easy Chinese Cuisine. A Collection of 160 Chinese Recipes

You will find this collection of recipes interesting and appetizing. I’ve enjoyed putting together an assortment of dishes that I personally enjoy cooking (and eating!). My interest in cooking originated when I was young, growing up in a Chinese family with 9 children, where knowing how to cook well was not so much of an art but a necessity.

by Ailam Lim

Timpani Family Cookbook

This book was assembled in 2005 to mark the centennial of brothers Giovanni (John) and Giuseppe (Joseph) Timpani’s arrival in the United States from Santa Cristina, Calabria. While the major influences on the family recipes are decidedly Italian, New England and food of the 1950s also left their mark. The recipes that follow aren’t inclusive but a representative sampling of family favorites (as evidenced by the large dessert section).


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